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What Type of Water Should My Pet Drink?

Tap water is often taken for granted, even though it is so important. You probably do not think twice about putting it in your dog’s bowl every morning. But is tap water really safe for your pet?
Dr. Ann Hohenhaus, a veterinarian at Animal Medical Center in New York City, says that in the vast majority of cases, it is. But as the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has shown, not all tap water is safe. “If you would not drink that water, you should not feed it to your dogs,” Hohenhaus says.

Is It Safe to Give Your Dog Tap Water?

According to the findings, dogs do not develop bladder cancer from drinking tap water.
Long-term exposure to disinfected tap water – the water that comes out of our taps after being treated with chemicals like chlorine – has been linked to bladder cancer in humans.
However, no such link was found in dogs in the study led by Dr. Lorraine Backer of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
There could be several reasons why dogs who drink tap water do not seem to have an increased risk of bladder cancer, although humans do.
For starters, a dog’s exposure to disinfection byproducts – chemicals created when things like chlorine interact with natural organics – is different than that of its human owners.
Dogs do not drink a big glass of water the same way humans do.

What You Can Do to Ensure Your Water Is Safe to Drink?

Follow these tips from Pauli Undesser, executive director of the Water Quality Association (WQA), to determine if your tap water is safe for you and your pet:
According to Undesser, the majority of customers get their water from the city. The water is treated in a treatment plant before it can flow from the tap. To give you an idea of what’s in your water, this plant is required to publish an annual consumer confidence report. (Contact your water supplier if you have not received one)./div>
“Maybe there are things that the water treatment plant knows about and is working on, but you still might want to do something different,” Undesser says.
The federal government regulates water treatment plants, but individual states may have stricter rules. California, for example, has passed a law limiting the amount of chromium-6 in drinking water. (If that sounds familiar, that’s because it’s the pollutant Erin Brockovich campaigned against).
Since hard contaminants cannot be seen or smelled, Undesser recommends that consumers test their tap water once a year. “Tap water testing is still something consumers should do to be aware of what might be in their water,” Undesser says. “You just never know until you test.”
If consumers notice sudden changes in odor, taste, or color, they should have their water tested.
While you can buy a water testing kit and mail it to a lab, Undesser recommends sending your water to one of the EPA –approved labs for water testing. She adds that some city departments and health departments test water for free.

Is It Safe for Dogs to Drink Filtered Water?

Most health experts agree that drinking filtered water is safe for dogs, and in some areas experts advise against dogs drinking unfiltered water. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, unfiltered water can contain:
  • Reducing agents are substances that help reduce water turbidity.
  • Toxic chemicals in chemicals can cause vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, hypocalcemia (low calcium), and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Toxic chemicals in chemicals can cause vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, hypocalcemia (low calcium), and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) (low blood sugar). Dogs can be poisoned by natural chemicals.
Is it possible to filter your own tap water at home? Do you use a water filter pitcher like the Waterdrop? Because it has a 5-stage filter, the plump water filter pitcher produces better results than most filters that only have two stages. Waterdrop’s patented technology allows you to save money on bottled water while guaranteeing the purity of your tap water.
In short, your pet should be able to drink the same water you do, whether it comes from the tap, filtered, or elsewhere. We recommend catering to his preferences if he does not like the taste or seems to have one. Reduced water intake has been shown to negatively impact health, especially kidney health, while changing water sources has not been shown to significantly impact healthy pets.
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What Causes Low Water Pressure?

Every form of home water pressure is frustrating and annoying. Whether it is taking too long for your washing machine or dishwasher to complete a cycle or you are spending several minutes to fill your bathtub or sink from your faucet, the culprit remains the same – low water pressure.
It is easier to fix the problem if it affects only one fixture. In that case, you only have to focus on the fixture or the pipes serving it. However, if the problem is widespread and affects the whole house water system, you have more work to do.
Either way, you should start by identifying the cause of low water pressure to resolve the problem effectively.

Is Your Water Meter Valve Completely Open?

Most homes have two primary shutoff valves that control water entry into the house. The water meter valve is the first shutoff valve, and you find it just beside the water meter on the main city supply pipe supplying your home. This valve is not for personal use, considering the water company owns it, and only their personnel should use it. But if you experience low water pressure across the entire home, especially after recent plumbing works, it may be due to a partially opened water meter valve.
If you notice a drop in water pressure across every fixture in your home after recent repair work, the meter valve should be your first port of call. You can find it on an outside wall of your house or in an underground box, in-between your home and the street. In some cases, it is present in an interior utility area like an attached garage or basement.

Is There A Pressure Regulator Failure?

You may experience home water pressure issues if your pressure regulator or pressure-reducing valve is faulty. The role of a pressure regulator is to minimize the input pressure in your plumbing system to a safe level, thereby protecting the pipes. They are absent in some homes, but if you have it, a failing pressure regulator can cause a sharp increase or decrease in your home’s water pressure.
The failure of the pressure regulator means all fixtures in your home will not perform as expected. While you can replace a faulty pressure regulator yourself, provided you get the same brand and size, it is best to invite a professional to handle it. The replacement process involves shutting off your home’s water supply via the water meter shutoff valve.
An easy way to read your home’s water pressure accurately is to attach a water pressure gauge to the outdoor hose spigot closet nearest to the water main or pressure regulator. The ideal water pressure is around 75 pounds per square inch. However, this may vary depending on your location. Consider replacing your pressure regulator if you record a very low pressure after your test.

Are Your Pipes Old Steel Water Pipes?

If you have galvanized steel water pipes in your home, they may corrode to the extent of restricting free water flow. This is another cause of low water pressure, albeit more expensive and serious than other causes. The corrosion occurs on the inside, making it invisible, and it becomes a problem when the accumulation of scale and corrosion gradually block off the pipe.
The entire process may take several years, even decades. Therefore, the water pressure decreases gradually over time rather than suddenly. But if your home is an old house with steel pipes, there may be enough accumulation of corrosion to fast track the process and worsen the situation.
You can only solve the problem of low water pressure due to old steel water pipes by replacing the entire pipe system with new copper or plastic water supply pipes. The best way to re-pipe nowadays is to use PEX tubing instead of copper pipe because the former is cheaper and easier to install.

Accumulation of Minerals in Pipes

If your home depends on hard water supply from the municipal plant or other sources, it may alter your pipes’ integrity and lead to low water pressure. In addition, the water entering your home often contains a high amount of minerals, which accumulate to create sediment blockages.
The slightest crack in your pipes can allow the collection of dirt, sand, and other contaminants over time. This is why you should inspect any area of piping in your home to confirm or debunk possible mineral deposits. If you confirm one, pour in a suitable chemical solution that can effectively break the deposits down and flush them out.


There are various causes of low water pressure in our homes. Whatever the causes are, the effect of the problem remains the same – a frustrating drop in the rate and amount of water coming out of our fixtures. Assess the situation to identify the possible cause, and invite a professional to help you implement a suitable fix to restore a seamless water usage experience.
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Is It Safe for Babies to Drink Water?

Babies drinking breast milk or formula is a known fact. But can these tiny humans drink water?
Let’s start by saying babies can do well without water for the first few months. Yes, you may add water to their mix; they need just a few sips.
Here are some interesting revelations about babies and water consumption.

Can Babies Drink Water?

A baby can only drink water (in sips) when they have started eating solid foods. Until then, you can trust the breast milk and/or formula to deliver all the hydration they need.

When Should Babies Drink Water?

In more precise terms, you should only give water to your baby when they are around six months old. By then, they are already eating solid foods, which usually start between four and six months old.
The right way to offer water to a baby is in little amounts from a sippy cup. You should not use a bottle or cup to avoid feeding them too much water. It is best to use a cup when all their drinks come from a cup. However, if your baby only wants to drink from a bottle, ensure you closely monitor the amount they get.

How Much Water Is Ideal for Babies?

A baby aged six months and older requires just four to six ounces of water daily. That is the same as half a cup of water. However, your pediatrician is in the best position to tell you the exact amount of water your little one needs. So, consult with them before anything else.

What Are The Risks Associated with Giving Babies Water Prematurely?

You cannot allow your little one to drink water too soon for the following reasons;
Leaving babies to suck with bottles of water to satisfy their appetite deprives them of important nutrients present in formula feedings and breast milk.
Combining breast milk or formula with water regularly for your baby means they are not filling up on food. Unfortunately, this will lead to a shortage of calories over time, which means your baby will not gain the right amount of weight.
The more water you give your baby during breastfeeding, the lower the milk supply that gets to them. Babies who drink more water get fed faster without having sufficient breast milk.
Feeding your baby with large amounts of water is a known cause of water intoxication, becoming a big problem. When there is water intoxication, electrolytes such as sodium in the baby’s bloodstream become diluted. Therefore, the baby’s body struggles to function normally, with low body temperature, seizures, and other symptoms resulting from that.

Why Give Your Baby Water?

If your baby is six months or older, you can help them stay hydrated by giving them the right amount of water. Keeping your body’s system hydrated ensures;
  • Efficient transportation of nutrients and oxygens to cells.
  • Seamless waste removal.
  • Effective lubrication of tissues and joints.
  • Adequate maintenance of blood volume.
  • Little or no need for fruit juice, which is only advisable for babies above 1.

Can You Give Your Babies Water during Hot Weather?

Several doctors advise that mothers give their babies small sips of water when it is very hot outside. This will minimize dehydration risks. However, it is important to consult with your pediatrician before trying anything.
  • Five or fewer wet diapers in 24 hours
  • Listlessness
  • Cracked lips and sunken eyes
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Strange sleepiness and extreme fussiness
  • Dry skin
  • Crying with little or no tears
  • Sunken fontanelle, which is the soft spot on the top of the baby’s head

When Should You Call The Doctor?

You should reach out to your doctor for tips on effective hydration if you observe your baby is sick and showing symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea.
As mentioned earlier, avoid feeding your baby with fruit juice until they are at least a year old. It is even better if you can prevent your infant from drinking fruit juice at all.
The tummy of an average infant is tiny. Feeding them with fruit juice means there will be little or no space with milk and food. Also, the juice contains sugar that can cause diarrhea and stomach cramping in young babies.
It is easy to get pressured by the advice of friends and family to offer babies water in their first few months. However, you must resist the urge to avoid possible health complications. Only offer babies water when they start solids!
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Simple Steps to Prepare Your Home for Christmas

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year, but it can be better managed with a little planning ahead. Today, we are giving you some tips on how to prepare your home for the holidays. We have put together the best Christmas preparations checklist to help you get ready for the holidays – from cleaning your rooms to unpacking Christmas items.

When should you start your Christmas preparations?

The best time to start Christmas preparations is in July. Many stores have mid-year specials, so this is a great time to buy Christmas decorations. If you shop early, you can take advantage of special product discounts while avoiding supply shortages and delivery delays.

How to get your house ready for the holidays

Before you start decorating for the holidays, take a day or two to declutter your home. Go through your rooms, shelves, and surfaces for items you no longer use or want to display and clear them out. When you declutter, you’ll find it easier to visualize your vacation decorations and you’ll create more space for your vacation decorations.
Cooking and baking happen frequently during the holidays, and a well-organized kitchen can help everything run smoothly. Make sure all necessary kitchen equipment, utensils, and cookware are clean and easily accessible.
Make sure your oven, stove, microwave, food processor, and dishwasher are working properly before you use them, and repair or replace broken appliances before you need to use them. Replace the refrigerator water filter to ensure water drinking. Kindly check the Waterdrop LT100P refrigerator water filter in advanced. Examine your refrigerator for outdated or expired products to make room for freezer-friendly delicacies you can prepare ahead of time.
We all know that this year’s Christmas will be a little different than years past. While this may disrupt your usual vacation rituals, take advantage of this fact by planning Christmas 2020.
Choose a specific location for your Christmas setting, whether it’s your living room, dining room, or den. Look at your surroundings to find the ideal location for your Christmas tree. Do not be afraid to move, swap or remove furniture to give your Christmas centerpiece the space it deserves.
When it comes to Christmas decorations, the mantel is often the focal point. Make sure your mantel is clean and free of ash and soot before you start decorating. While the warm glow of a fire is ideal for the vacation season, constantly monitoring the fire can be a chore. For added safety and style, install a fireplace screen.
These elegant Christmas decorating themes will provide you with plenty of ideas for Christmas preparations and offer stunning inspiration if you are looking for more ways to spruce up your home.
On every Christmas to-do list is decorating the Christmas tree. It’s usually a good idea to inspect your artificial Christmas tree a few weeks before putting it up, whether you plan to reuse your current tree or buy a new one.
Check the surrounding area for any hanging branches or wires, and make sure all the lights are in working order. Making sure early will give you more time to troubleshoot or order replacements. Wreaths, garlands and cloths made of Christmas greenery should be treated the same way.
Make sure your Christmas ornaments and other decorations are complete and in working order. Depending on the theme of your decorations, you may want to purchase new ornaments to add to your existing collection.
While you are home on Christmas Day, make the necessary preparations to make your festivities extra special. Make a list of the meals you will be serving, as well as the table decorations you will be using. Make sure you have plenty of everyone’s favorite foods and celebratory drinks on hand.
Pay attention to the small elements that will make your decor special and stunning. Use appropriate crockery, cutlery, glasses and serving stands and bowls.
A warm Christmas home is a pleasant change from the hustle and bustle of the season. You can create a soothing ambiance with flameless candles. Place them on the mantel, coffee table, or anywhere else you want to create a welcoming atmosphere.
Drape a plush blanket over your couch to add texture or use a lush tree ornament to brighten your Christmas tree. Spread seasonal warmth throughout your home by decorating corners and walls.
Christmas wreaths and decorations add a festive touch to your entryways. Outdoor areas will be brightened, and your home will be ready for the holidays with Christmas lights.
Place lighted topiaries around your front entrance and lanterns on your front steps. Decorate posts, railings and door frames with artificial garland.
If it snows in your area, clear snow and debris from paths and walkways to keep your family safe. To prevent slipping on wet floors, lay out a non-slip mat near the entrance.
We hope this post has helped you plan your Christmas preparations. This year, avoid the last-minute Christmas madness so you can focus on what matters most: spending time with friends and family.
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Why You Need A Stainless-Steel Ultrafiltration Water Filter

Every day we see significant changes in our environment and the consequences for our living conditions. We can significantly improve not only our own well-being, but also the environment if we take our personal health seriously. A water filtration system is one way health-conscious people can improve their lives. If you do not already have a water purifier, you can read about the benefits of drinking purified water here: The Benefits of Purified Water
A quick search on Amazon yields a plethora of water filter products, most of which are made of plastic. Given the known problems associated with the use of plastic, especially plastic water bottles, it is not surprising that there is some skepticism. What should you look for in a water filter and how can you provide your family with a safe source of filtered water without using plastic?

Are Plastic Water Filters Safe?

In general, the housing of a plastic water filter is considered safe. However, the type of plastic used, such as BPA-free, hard clear plastic, food grade materials, and others, has a significant impact on this. The FDA’s website even has a list of studies that have been done to measure BPA exposure even at low doses.

Caution on Choosing Plastic Purifier

When choosing your next water filter, it’s important to know the differences between inexpensive and expensive models. Reputable manufacturers usually pay more attention to quality and will not risk using unqualified plastic. They are aware of the serious health risks associated with plastics and often offer certifications as proof of compliance. All plastic water purifiers, including Waterdrop, are BPA-free.
However, if you drink water from a non-certified water filter, you risk ingesting BPA and BHPF, as well as other toxins associated with negative health effects. Unfortunately, microplastics have not been adequately researched, but we do know that other toxins affect reproductive health.

Additional Concerns

If you have ever taken a look at the selection of plastic water filters on Amazon, you have probably noticed a lot of negative reviews. This is especially true when it comes to durability, because cheap plastic just does not last. Pitcher handles break, filter housings break, and leaks happen all the time. The truth is plastic can be a real pain when it comes to water filtration. That’s because it compresses easily and cracks when dropped. If a main joint breaks, it’s almost certain to leak. This type of damage is usually irreparable and requires a complete replacement or costly repair.

Consider Stainless Steel Water Filter Instead

Many ill-informed consumers are unaware of the benefits of stainless steel and are therefore hesitant to purchase it. However, stainless steel water filters have numerous advantages over plastic water filters. Compared to plastic, it is not only corrosion and heat resistant, but it will not break if dropped. This high degree of hardness gives it a significant advantage over plastic, especially in environments where grinding and other forms of abrasion are common.
Compared to cheaper alternatives, the maintenance required to operate a stainless-steel water filtration system is significantly lower. When you consider these factors, it’s clear that spending a little more money is worth it. Instead, buy a stainless-steel filter if you want one that will work well in a harsh environment and last a long time. Also, since this material is highly recyclable, there will be less waste. Unlike a traditional plastic water filter, you can dispose of the entire filter once the filter cartridge is used up. Simply replace the cartridge and save the stainless-steel housing for the next replacement.

Stainless Steel Ultrafiltration Water Filter by Waterdrop

Consider Waterdrop’s ultrafiltration device if you are looking for a stainless-steel water filter. Finally, the stainless-steel version from Waterdrop uses a 304 stainless steel housing and is part of their wide range of water filtration solutions. This product, in the form of an under-sink water filter, is pressure and corrosion resistant and is made from lead-free materials in a recyclable housing. The unit is more durable and resistant to cracking and other damage as it is made from lead-free materials. In addition, the thicker sealing ring goes a long way in effectively preventing future leaks.

Thorough Ultrafiltration

Ultrafiltration has a number of advantages over other types of water filtration that we have already discussed. This high-end water filtration system has six stages to purify tap water. An activated carbon block is used in conjunction with PP cotton to reduce lead, chlorine, large particles, and rust that are commonly found in local water supplies. It also eliminates unpleasant odors and flavors, so you can proudly serve the water to your friends and family.
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Top 6 Reasons Why Pets Should Drink Filtered Water

About 67% of American homes own a pet. A recent study by the American Pets Products Association shows at least one pet living with 85 million families.
Now, more than ever before, pets have become part of families. Pets require care just like humans for their well-being.
Most people spend time researching healthy food for their pets while neglecting healthy water. Filtered water has numerous benefits. If your family takes filtered water, you should consider giving your pets as well.
This article discusses six reasons why you should give your pets filtered water. Kindly read on to learn more.

1. Filtered Water Improves Hydration

Pets, just like humans, have a large water composition. Therefore, both pets and humans require water to stay hydrated and cool off.
Because filtered water tastes great, pets will want to drink more of it once they access it. The more pets drink water, the less their chances of being dehydrated after playing in the hot sun.
Furthermore, similar to humans, dogs staying hydrated reduces the number of urinary tract infections they may suffer from. Drinking more water also helps dogs that get sick often get back on their feet in no time. Summarily, by keeping them hydrated, filtered water does your pet a lot of good

2. Filtered Water Provides Protection against Toxins

The essential importance of filtered water is that it protects you and your pets from toxins. Tap water undergoes its purification process. However, cities and countries have different ways of upholding these processes. Therefore, the tap water that comes out of your sink may not be adequately purified.
Even if the tap water is purified, there is a likelihood of contaminants leaking through. Copper has been known to cause liver and kidney diseases in humans and animals, and it is found mainly in rusty pipes in old homes. Getting one of our water filters will remove contaminants from your water.

3. Filtered Water Enhances Pet Health

Pets tend to eat things without your knowledge, thereby increasing the toxin level in their bodies. Fortunately, drinking clean water can rid pets’ bodies of toxins, keeping them in excellent health. In addition, filtered water is the best option for dogs, especially smaller breeds and older dogs, because they have very delicate digestive systems and weak immune systems.
Clean water also helps cells regrow and thrive, keeping your pet healthy and strong throughout their lifetime. Therefore, drinking filtered water increases your pet’s chances of recovering from illnesses and living a relatively pain-free life.

4. Cold Filtered Water Is Good for Pet’s Bodies

There has been a myth that cold water causes dangerous bloating and is harmful to dogs for a long time. Nevertheless, the myth is entirely false.
Dogs tend to gulp water down, making them aspirate and choke. Although this is a confusing and scary situation, it is not a result of cold water.
Drinking cold water can stop your dog from drinking a lot too quickly. Therefore, giving your pets cold, filtered water from the refrigerator is much more beneficial than warm water from the tap.

5. Filtered Water Contains Less Chlorine

Filtered water has numerous benefits, including reducing the amount of chlorine in drinking water. When you ingest chlorine via tap water, it can cause significant cell damage. Chlorine can also cause breathing difficulties and coughing.
Unfortunately, pets are more sensitive to the side effects of chlorine because their digestive system cannot withstand chemicals like chlorine. Eliminating chlorine from your pet’s drinking water using a water filter is ideal.

6. Filtered Water Reduces Tear Stains

Another massive benefit of pets consuming filtered water is that it helps in reducing tear stains. The slight dark marks under a dog’s eyes are known as tear stains. Tear stains are more noticeable in dogs with lighter-colored fur.
Poor diet and tap water containing toxins cause tear stains. The more your dog consumes toxins through food and unfiltered water, the larger their tear stains.
You can buy a water filter for your home, helping you provide filtered water for your pets and reducing the size of their tear stains. Also, filtered water guarantees that your pets are drinking clean water that is not harmful to their bodies.

Pets Stand to Gain More from Filtered Water.

Although filtering water may incur additional costs, the benefits of filtered water outweigh such costs. You can take care of the health of your family and pets by purchasing a water filter. Your well-being does not have a price tag.
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Why Should You Choose Tap Water over Bottled Water

Bottle water drains the environment. The U.S public uses about 50 billion water bottles per annum, with most of it going unrecycled.
Transporting and keeping water bottles cold burns fossil fuels, giving off greenhouse gases. Furthermore, bottled water companies pump groundwater, drawing heavily on underground aquifers and harming watersheds. Also, it is estimated that one liter of bottled water requires three liters of water for production.
Yet, over $100 billion is the global spend on bottled water annually. Many cities in developing countries without a safe tap water source rely on bottled water as a safer option.
In the U.S, tap water is federally regulated and screened frequently for dangerous pollutants. However, the public consumes 21 gallons (79 liters) of bottled water per capita annually. The bottled water industry is very thriving; the number of gallons sold outpaces milk, juice, and coffee. However, it is still behind soda and beer.
Reasons why people choose to drink bottled water, include purity, convenience, safety, and taste. Some people consider bottled water to be more premium than tap water which begs the question – is tap water worse than bottled water? Afraid not

Reduction In Waste

Drinking tap water instead of bottled water does not generate waste, and it is single-use, plastic-free. In contrast, the Australian landfill has about 373 million plastic bottles annually. Regarding waste, it takes 3 liters of water to produce 1 liter of bottled water. Although it sounds outrageous, it is the truth. Therefore, it is advisable to drink tap water to prevent creating plastic waste and wasting water in the process.


Another outrageous fact about bottled water is that it costs 2000 times more than tap water. Let’s demonstrate an equation about how expensive bottled water is in comparison to tap water. Buying 2 liters of bottled water every day will cost you about $2600 at the end of the year. In contrast, drinking 2 liters of tap water every day will cost you about $1.50 in total at the end of the year. Well, it is pretty shocking.


Tap water is more eco-friendly than bottled water in so many ways. First, bottled water requires between 1 and 2000 times the energy consumption for producing tap water. The energy goes into bottle manufacturing, filling shipping, and chilling water in a fridge. Secondly, the plastic water manufacturing industry has over a 2.5million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in a year. On the other hand, there are no emissions with tap water.

Locally Sourced

It is common knowledge that eating local is better, so it shouldn’t be different for drinking. Most people do not consider that bottled water comes from all over the world. On the other hand, tap water is from local sources. Therefore, the tap water supply is safe, reliable, and sustainable.


Another reason to choose tap water over bottled water is safety. Tap water is safer and healthier for drinking. There are stringent regulations and safety standards regulating tap water. The standards identify and limit water contaminants, including chemicals and microorganisms present in tap water. Furthermore, there is regular testing of tap water than bottled water, making it a safer option.


A myth about bottled water is that it tastes better than tap water. Well, research says otherwise. From several blind taste tests, tap water tasted better than bottled water. Several bodies carried out the taste tests.


Tap water is more eco-friendly than bottled water, and this is true from a sustainability perspective. Many bottled water companies have water sources in countries with depleted water resources—for instance, Fiji water, Aquafina, and Dasani source water from the drought-ridden areas of California.

Filtering To Standards

You can purchase a water filter to purify your tap water if you are concerned about water quality. In contrast, it is pretty unlikely that you will filter water from a plastic bottle. Therefore, you can only trust the acclaimed purity of the water


It is best to stick to tap water if you like chemical-free water. Plastic water bottles are from polyethylene terephthalate or PET, and this material leaches chemicals over time into the water, especially when reusing the bottle. Furthermore, due to the toxic chemicals released in its manufacturing process, PET is an environmental hazard


Taking tap water is much more convenient than bottled water; you only need to turn on the tap. Also, tap water is readily available; there’s no need to walk to a shop to purchase the water before unscrewing the lid. With the numerous benefits discussed, tap water is the clear winner of the bottled water vs. tap water comparison.


Contrary to popular opinion, bottled water is not safer than tap water. After considering safety, convenience, the presence of chemicals, and many factors, it is clear that tap water is eco-friendly, affordable, sustainable, and has a better taste.
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How to Conserve Water While Maintaining A Great Lawn

With a little practice, you can have a beautiful, healthy lawn while conserving water! The EPA or Environmental Protection Agency’s Stats have shown that approximately one-third of all U.S. Residential properties use water for irrigation but half of (50%) irrigation water is wasted due to poor water practices. You should learn the best ways for using water, whether you want to conserve water or are concerned about the rising cost of water, you will find out you can provide less water and still have a beautiful lawn.

Understanding Your Lawn’s Grass

If the grass in your lawn is natural to the area you live in, their water needs are in line with the region you live in, and therefore less maintenance is required. As an example, Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue are excellent choices for cooler northern zones while Bermuda grass or Zoysia grass is perfect for warmer southern zones.
Across the board, lawn grasses vary in their water consumption depending on if they are drought-tolerant or resistant. There are grasses that prevent drought by retaining more water, growing deeper roots, or going into dormancy while other grasses can resist dehydration. Choosing the right grass will increase your lawn’s ability to conserve water while remaining healthy and beautiful when there is a limited supply of water.
There are varieties of grass that have been qualified by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance or TWCA. These grasses use less water, require less maintenance, and give you more time to enjoy your lawn. TWCA has a number of qualified varieties of cool or warm-season grasses that have undergone rigorous testing to prove they are statistically significant drought-tolerant vs other grasses. As an example, these grassed require up to 30% less water year after year than other grasses. They can remain green for up to 3 weeks without water.

Find out How Much Water A Lawn Needs

Definitely start watering your lawn before it shows signs of browning and stress. Your lawn grass needs 1 to 2-inches of water each week which should be enough to get the moisture to soak into the soil at least 6-inches. To find out if your lawn has enough water, you should purchase a rain gauge or follow our DIY steps:
  • Take an empty tuna can and mark a one-inch depth.
  • Place it in your yard where you will be watering.
  • Water your lawn for 20 minutes then check the amount of water in the can.
  • If there is more or less one inch of water in the can, adjust your watering time as needed.
  • Taking note of the amount of water you use on your lawn will depend on your soil. Water quickly runs through light or sandy soil so you need to water more frequently if this is the soil in your yard.

What’s The Best Way to Water My Lawn?

Understand, the grass gets very thirsty, especially during the summer months. Constantly providing moisture around their roots will help them grow. Therefore, the best way to keep your lawn green and lush during the growing season is to keep it well-watered.
One of the best ways to determine the correct length of time to water is placing a pie pan in the yard and determine how long it will take to fill 1/2-inch in depth. Experts, on the other hand, prefer a more accurate method by taking soil conditions into account. Heavier soil does not absorb moisture as fast as loose or sandy soil which should be watered at longer intervals. During long warm spells, dry soil is your key. Set up your sprinkler and set the timer for 30 minutes., then turn off the water and check the soil for moisture depth. You can do this by pushing a shovel into the lawn and tipping it forward to reveal the soil. You should be able to see how deep the water has penetrated. As moist soil is darker, you can apply enough water to penetrate 3 to 4-inches into the soil. If the water has not penetrated enough, restart the watering and continue to keep an eye on the time. After another 15 minutes, check again. Trial and error is the best way to find the best length of time to water your soil type and water pressure.

Suggestions for Watering Your Lawn

You should adjust your watering to meet the conditions in various areas of your lawn. Different areas require either more or less water. Take note and then adjust your watering patterns. For instance, an area with south-facing hills will need more water than areas under trees.
You must keep watering during a drought. Don’t believe the old wives’ tales that grass goes dormant during a drought. The bottom line, if you do not provide your grass with moisture during a drought, it will die. Do not mow your grass during a drought, the cut grass will lose moisture from the blades of grass being cut. The grass will turn brown if you don’t continually water. Rule of thumb, do not cut your grass during a hot, dry summer until it has rained for 2 days straight.
If you can, water in the morning hours. The grass will take in the water all day long. Also, watering in the evening can lead to the growth of harmful fungi.
If you don’t have an in-ground sprinkler system, don’t bother. People with sprinkler systems use more water than is needed because it’s easy! Simply set the timer and let it be.
The Atlanta area is a screaming example. For over 10 years, every new house came with a sprinkler system but there were no thoughts about how much water they needed. At one point, Atlanta suffered a terrible drought and lost its principal water supply. Lake Lanier almost dried up. They needed to reach out to outside watering assistance. The water freak’s lawns dried up and died in a flash.
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Basics of Purified Water and Spring Water

Drinking enough water is important for your health because it contributes to the normal functioning of all cells in your body. Therefore, it is important that you drink enough fluids throughout the day.
There are many different types of water, with spring water and filtered water being the most popular. You may be wondering how they differ and whether you should choose one or the other.

Compare The Standards

Purified water and spring water have different health requirements, which is one of the main differences. All impurities in water must be reduced to less than 10 parts per million to be considered purified. The Environmental Protection Agency has ruled that this is much higher than the levels required for normal drinking water, including tap water. Chemicals and pathogens must be removed from purified water, but not microbes.
Often purified water is confused with filtered water. However, this is not correct because all water is filtered to some degree, but purified water must meet higher standards. Purified water can come from any water source, including spring, ground or tap water, as it is subject to strict filtration and purification standards.


If you drink purified water from a bottle, you know that it had to meet a legal criterion to be labelled “purified.” That means you can be sure that what you are drinking is perfectly safe.
Any water source, including your own drinking water, can be purified, as I said before. Reverse osmosis or distilled water is less expensive to produce, helps you reduce your use of plastic water bottles, and tastes almost the same as purified bottled water.


Some purified water sources have had minerals added, but purified water has usually had the beneficial minerals removed. Therefore, it may not taste as good as spring water, which contains a higher concentration of minerals.
In this respect, there is not much difference between purified water and spring water. If you buy purified water at the store, you are spending a lot of money and contributing to the dangerously high plastic waste production in the United States.
If you want to drink clean, safe water without having to buy disposable bottles, I highly recommend investing in a system that allows you to purify your own drinking water at home.

How to Choose Between Purified Water and Spring Water

If you prefer mineral-rich water, spring water is probably your best bet. However, not all springs are the same, and one underground aquifer can often differ significantly from another. If you are concerned about the quality of springs in a particular area, you may want to consider a purified alternative. However, by EPA standards, both spring water and purified water are safe to drink, so neither option is wrong.

Ways to Purify Water Yourself

The following methods show three different ways to purify water at home, whether for emergency, outdoor survival, or everyday use, because some of the methods require.
Boiling water is the most basic and widely used method of purification. To be safe, you should heat the water over a stove or open flame until it comes to a full boil, and then continue boiling for at least five to ten minutes (the longer the water is boiled, the purer it becomes).
Since boiling contaminated water removes all oxygen from the liquid, the resulting purified water may have an insipid taste. This is a minor flaw that can be easily remedied by shaking the purified water a bit.
You can also add a pinch of salt to each liter of drinking water to improve the taste.
Water can be filtered in various ways to make it drinkable. In an emergency, porous materials such as coffee filters and cotton cloths can be used, but they are not very effective in removing all unwanted particles.
Commercial filters, on the other hand, are quite good at removing virtually all tannins and sludge from tainted water.
Commercial filters come in a variety of sizes and shapes, including portable filters for emergencies, filter systems that plug directly into your faucet, and filters that come pre-installed in water jugs and bottles.
Water filters come in different sizes, shapes, and prices, but they all work by forcing the water through a carbon or ceramic filter before chemically treating it.
The biggest drawback to this method is that the filters can clog quickly. Some filters can be cleaned and reused, while others may need to be replaced.
When boiling water is out of the question for cleaning, solar disinfection is a quick and inexpensive alternative. Unlike direct, extreme heat, solar disinfection uses the heat of the sun to aid the cleaning process.
For this method to be successful, you will need bottles, contaminated water, and direct sunlight. Be sure to use plastic bottles and fill them about three-quarters full.
Before filling the remaining quarter of each bottle with water, shake the bottles for about 20-30 seconds. Close the bottle tightly before drinking and place in direct sunlight for at least 6-8 hours.
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The Best Water Options for Your House Plants

Just like human bodies, plants of all types react differently to various types of water. In fact, what works for one type of plant, may not necessarily work well for another. This is highly dependent upon where the plant originates from, the environment it has grown accustomed to, and more. When a plant has been given something it doesn’t prefer, it also provides a few physical queues to let you in on it’s sufferings. With these details in mind, let’s jump right into the water options available for your beloved house plants.

Utilizing Natural Sources

Natural water sources can be vital to the overall success of growing plants indoors, depending upon several other factors. It may be confusing to determine what constitutes a “natural source” when it comes to water, so we narrowed it down for you. If you have the ability to harvest water from a natural source, ensure you aren’t trespassing or breaking in local laws before doing so.
Because rainwater is not processed like tap water, it lacks the treatment chemicals, minerals, and salts often utilized to make tap water safe. In turn, this provides plants with pure hydration, often unmatched by other sources. Furthermore, the macro-nutrients found in rainwater are quite beneficial to house plants, much like it benefits the trees, grass, and other outdoor plants, and wildlife. If you live in an area that receives quite a bit of rain, it is easy to begin catching and harvesting rainwater for your own purposes. Simply begin by purchasing a barrel specifically design for capturing rainwater, or check out many of the DIY designs online.
Please Note: Some local ordinances ban the capture and use of rainwater. Please check with the laws in your area before collecting rain fall.
If you had no other options, melted snow could serve as a watering resource. The problem, however, lies with the contaminants often found within surface water and groundwater. Why doesn’t it affect outdoor plants in the same way, you might wonder? Well, in a plant bed, groundwater has the ability to spread out thereby lessening the impact chemicals have on said plants. Potted plants, by comparison, are confined to smaller containers, which completely neglects the groundwater’s ability to disperse as a result.

Putting Wastewater to Use

If you are into reusing items as often as you can, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn of the ways you can use wastewater. In fact, wastewater comes in many forms we may otherwise overlook, and each one provides a great source of water for house plants.
If you are a fish hobbyist, you understand the necessity for regular water changes. By doing so, you rid your aquatic environment if dangerous bacteria and elements that may otherwise harm your fish. Nitrogen may help plants grow, as well as trace nutrients, but fish may die with high levels. Did you know that the elements found within used fish tank water are often utilized in commercial fertilizers? This means you will not only be hydrating your plants, but providing the essential nutrients necessary to grow, and thrive.
A Reverse Osmosis system is a great way to provide your family with filtered water. As a result, RO systems typically produce a specific amount of wastewater during normal operation. Because it lacks minerals and impurities, it may or may not benefit specific types of house plants. This is where it is extremely important to know the needs of your plants before you begin watering or utilizing products. One positive aspect to utilizing RO water is the ability to control pH levels. This will benefit plants, aquariums, gardens, flowers, people, and more.

Residential Methods

There’s nothing easier than running your tap to fill pitchers, watering cans, and plant containers. For certain types of plants, such as those within the Marantaceae family, it’s very beneficial to run water over the soil to the point that it drains from the other side. A sink is helpful in this situation, because the water can drain directly, without extra work. As such, here are our favorite in-house methods for watering your house plants.
Depending on your place of residence, you may utilize local municipal water, well water, or enjoy a built-in mode of filtration. Regardless, there are details you need to know before using it on your plants. Through a simple test kit, you can determine the elements currently present in any type of water, from tap, to well, filtered, and even rain water. If you’re utilizing tap water from your local treatment plant, you can contact them directly for an annual report. Because chlorine is one of the main modes of sanitizing tap water, you may damage your house plants. While allowing the water to sit out for up to 72 hours may enable chemicals to gas off, it is not a complete solution. This further highlights the importance of testing tap water before using.
Delicate plants often require softer water sources, whereas others are well equipped to utilize hard water. Once you understand your plant’s needs, you can better match it up with any given water source. Filtered water can be beneficial in areas where the tap is treated with heavy chemicals, which impart damage to house plants. Typically, a residential water filtration system does not have the means to remove essential minerals, salts, etc. It’s primary focus remains steadfast on the removal of dangerous microbes, chemicals, and more. If you are a plant enthusiast, and not a serious hobbyist, filtered tap water can serve as a great solution to watering your plants.
Through the process of condensation and evaporation, distillation efficiently removes chemicals and minerals from tap water. This form of water purification boils away water, capturing the vapors. When there is a concern over toxicity build-up, distilled water works well for water plants. This form of water is free of impurities, which is most beneficial to plants with a small amount of soil. Unfortunately, distilled water contains no nutrients whatsoever. As a result of using distilled water, however, you may notice these plants don’t grow as quickly compared to those enjoying rain water, or bottled spring.